President |
Chan, C. C.
University of Hong Kong |
Secretary General and Chief Executive |
Minami, Shigeyuki
Osaka City University |
Director |
Chan, Ting
Puget Sound Energy |
Director |
Ikeda, Hiroshi
Osaka City University |
Editorial Board |
Honorary Editor-in-Chief |
Chan, C. C.
University of Hong Kong |
Editor-in-Chief |
Minami, Shigeyuki
Osaka Metropolitan University |
Co-Editor |
Chau, K. T.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Co-Editor |
Ha, Hoidoo
Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute |
Co-Editor |
Lai, Jihsheng
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Co-Editor |
Liaw, Bor Yann
University of Hawai'i |
Co-Editor |
Stefanakos, Elias
University of South Florida |
Co-Editor |
Sun, Liqing
Beijing Institute of Technology |
Co-Editor |
Trigui, Rochdi
French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research |
Co-Editor |
Van Mierlo, Joeri
Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Associate Editor |
Chan, Ting
Puget Sound Energy |
Publishing Director
Ikeda, Hiroshi
Union Press |
Bylaw of The Asian Electric Vehicle Society |
1. Name
Asian Electric Vehicle Society (AEVS)
2. Purposes of the organization
The overall purpose of the society is to act as a nonprofit professional organization to promote the development and use of electric vehicles and the related technology especially in Asia. To achieve this overall purpose, the society will,
2.1 encourage and facilitate the exchange of relevant information among its members and with other organizations with similar purposes;
2.2 collaborate and cooperate with other national and international bodies in activities of similar purposes;
2.3 influence the governments for the development and promotion of electric vehicles;
2.4 organize the Asian Electric Vehicle Conference periodically and publish the Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles;
2.5 endeavor to act as a source of relevant information for public dissemination, educational and government bodies;
2.6 conduct any other activities deemed fit and proper for the accomplishment of its overall purpose.
3. Membership
3.1 Category
(A) Individual member: Any individual who has completed university education and appropriate training or equivalent and is interested in the development and use of electric vehicles and the related technologies and supports the purpose of the society may, upon compliance of applicable rules established by the society, become a member of the society
(B) Corporate member: Any company, institution, group, firm, corporation or other organization whose activities is in or directly related to the development or production or use of electric/hybrid/fuel cell vehicles or the related technologies or product may, upon compliance of applicable rules established by the society become a corporate member of the society.
3.2 Admission
Unless otherwise specified, an individual or corporate member may be admitted
upon receipt by the association of its application with appropriate payment
of membership dues and upon approval of the society's council.
3.3 Cessation of membership
A member may resign from the society at any time by giving written notice to the secretary of the society on and shall forthwith cease to be a member. Membership may also be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the council, subject to rectification by a simple majority vote of membership.
3.4 Rights of members
Members shall enjoy all the rights as determined by the society at its
general meeting. In general, members shall have the right to receive materials
published by the society, to make use of the service of the society to
obtain or disseminate information, to be introduced to constituent members
of the society or other organizations which the society is affiliated to,
to participate in the society's activities and projects and to be selected
or appointed to member of officers, council or committee of the society.
Each member shall have the right to cast vote at the society's general
3.5 Obligations of members
Members shall comply with the provisions of the Society constitution and bylaws and such other rules and regulations as may be established by the society council or at general meetings.
3.6 Membership dues
Each member shall pay dues to the society in manners proposed by the council
and approved by the society's general meeting. Membership dues are payable
annually in advance. For the time being dues is US$50.00 per year for an
individual member; or US$100.00 per unit per year and US$500 per unit per
year for small and large company corporate member respectively.
Dues paid are nonrefundable for any reason whatsoever. Members not paying their dues are considered non-financial, and shall be terminated after a grace period determined by the council. The council may reinstate the membership of non-financial members upon receipt of full payment of dues payable.
4. Management and operation
4.1 The council shall manage the affairs and activities of the society. The council shall have authority to do or cause to be done whatever necessary and desirable for the purpose of the society.
4.2 The council shall consist of up to twelve members. Council members shall be elected to a term of three years, and can be re-elected/re-nominated.
4.3 The Council members are elected/nominated as the representative(s) of each country/region/economy. The distribution number of council members among country/region/economy will be decided by the council and reported to the members.
4.4 The members of each country/region/economy shall set up their own way to elect a coordinator of his/her country/region/economy and automatically will be a member of the council.
4.5 The Council may whenever necessary appoint co-opt members to a term not to exceed the term of the Council making the appointment.
4.6 The officers of the society shall consist of a President, three vice presidents, and a secretary-general. Officers are members of the council and elected by the members of council.
4.7 The council may cancel, waive payment of any dues, assessments, or other indebtedness of a member for any period whenever deemed necessary.
5. General meetings
5.1 The general meeting is the highest authority of the society. The quorum of the general assembly shall be one-third of the total numbers of members.
5.2 Holding of the general meetings and the agenda should be circulated to all members by e-mail for consultation.
5.3 The general assembly shall be conducted by the council or upon the request of at least 10 percent of total members.
5.4 The date of the general meeting shall be announced to the members not less than one month in prior to the event.
6. Secretariat
6.1 The secretary-general organizes a secretary office. The secretary-general of the society shall cause the proper maintenance of correct books and records of all the business and transactions of the society.
6.2 The secretary-general is responsible for the council about the daily activities and the practical use in financial affairs.
6.3 The secretary-general manages the various activities of the society based on the policy of council.
6.4 The secretary-general collects membership dues.
6.5 The secretary-general issues the journal.
Adoption and transaction period
The Asian Electric Vehicle Society shall be founded during the AEVC-2 in Osaka. During the transaction period, the members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of Asian Electric Vehicle Conference (AEVC) will serve as the council members of the society, while the chairman and co-chairmen of the IAB will serve as the president and vice-presidents of the society, and the secretariat of AEVC-2 serve as the secretariat of the society. |
as of December 2011 |