
Aims and Scope

Japan is aiming at becoming a "Tourism-oriented Country" because there is a high potential in the tourism industry to bring a major economic ripple effect on the economy. However, there are not enough academic studies and publications regarding tourism in Japan at this moment to establish a tourism nation. It is necessary to collect many tourism related subjects from inside and outside of Japan, and disseminate the knowledge and expertise to the world to establish a worldwide tourism nation. The International Society for Tourism Research (ISTR) publishes the Journal of Global Tourism Research (JGTR). It is an Open Access journal that aims to provide and share the latest information on all aspects of tourism. JGTR publishes a range of peer-reviewed articles that explore comprehensive and specific aspects of this emerging field, as well as important reviews and methods. This journal is published continuously online and also a printed version is available. JGTR has a global audience that freely uses the contents to remain informed and up-to-date with tourism issues. It is significant and important to publish the journal from Japan promoting the exchange of worldwide knowledge and ideas.

  ISSN (print): 2189-9274
ISSN (online): 2189-9282

Early View: Papers to be published in the next issue
In order to publish accepted papers as soon as possible, they are available as "Early View." The information is listed from accepted papers. Page numbers on the papers will be changed after they are officially published.

Modified market basket analysis to identify consumer behavior and promotion programs for supporting shopping tourism
Fajar Stevano Artha and Ririn Diar Astanti (Release date: February 18, 2025)
The relationship between the amount of product information provided online via suitcase product images, titles, and descriptions: A study consumer perception of product function suitcase shopping
Hiroki Kozu, Ryuta Otsuka, Kodai Funabashi, and Yasuhiro Tsujimurai (Release date: February 18, 2025)
Analysis of basic information and reviews of ski resorts: A comparison between Japanese and foreigners
Xiaohan Fu, Yoshiki Nakamura, and Nozomi Oomiya (Release date: February 18, 2025)

Library of Past Issues
Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2, 2016 Vol. 2, No. 1 & 2, 2017  Vol. 3, No. 1 & 2, 2018 
Vol. 4, No. 1 & 2, 2019   Vol. 5, No. 1 & 2, 2020  Vol. 6, No. 1 & 2, 2021 
Vol. 7, No. 1 & 2, 2022  Vol. 8, No. 1 & 2, 2023  Vol. 9, No. 1 & 2, 2024 

Guidelines for Authors
as of December 26, 2024 
We welcome papers on all aspects of tourism, including regional development, travel commodity development, human resources, tourist attractions, community resources, travel behavior, service science, and tourism informatics, etc. Good quality practical papers are as welcome as those of an academic nature. All papers must be original and evaluated by peer-review before acceptance for publication. For contributions, please refer to the following categories. Also, related research of the categories is acceptable.

• Advertisement Industry
• Appreciation of the Arts
• Casino and Gaming
• City Planning and Urban Design
• Communication and Language
• Destination Management
• Disaster Management
• E-tourism
• Events and Festival Management
• Historical Tourism
• Hotel Management and Operations
• Human Resources and Personnel Management
• Local Food Specialties
• Regional Activation and Revitalization
• Regional Tourism and Development
• Safety and Security
• SDGs in Tourism
• Sharing Economy
• Simulation Model
• Social Media and E-commerce
• Sports Tourism
• Sustainable Tourism and Ecology
• Tourism Development and Planning
• Tourism for Well-being
• Tourism Informatics
• Tourism IT
• Tourism Law
• Tourism Management, Marketing, and Business
• Tourism Strategy
• Tourism Technology
• Tourist Culture, Philosophy, and Behavior
• Transportation and Logistics
• Welfare and Medical Support Technology
Copyright and Licensing
JGTR is fully Open Access and uses a Creative Commons (CC) license, which allows for the use and reuse of material published in the journal, in defined ways, without charge or the need to ask prior permission from the society. Authors are required to assign all copyrights in the work to the society, who then publish the work under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International). This license allows users to share unmodified articles, non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given.
Self-archiving enables authors to deposit a copy of their manuscript in an online repository. We allow authors of original manuscripts to upload their article to an institutional or public repository immediately after publication in the journal. 
Financial Resources and Advertising
JGTR adopts Open Access, which is funded by a contribution fee from the authors and subscription fee for the printed version. The journal does not accept advertising in articles or on other pages, or the journal website.
When contributing a paper, the author must choose one of the following categories for reviewing.

• General Article:
Comprehensive dissertation on academic findings and achievements with their historical backgrounds and future direction.
• Opinion:
Dissertation on personal opinions and beliefs from academic perspectives.
• Proposal:
Recitation of proposal based on one’s own beliefs.
• Original Article:
Novel research outcomes, which are put together systematically and have academic values.
• Research Letter:
Concise recitation of research purpose and novel results.
• Technical Report:
Report describing a case with its practical value and example(s) of the application of new technology.
• Note:
A summary of data obtained from explorations. An introduction to useful materials and literature for research and development.

Papers should be sent by e-mail to the Publication Office, also in some cases, post is acceptable. Data must be saved on "WORD®" format.
Correspondence and proofs for correction will be sent to the first-named author, unless otherwise indicated. The submitting author’s address, telephone number, telefax number, and e-mail address must be included. For student papers, the student can either be the sole author or jointly submitted with a supervisor.
To facilitate the peer-review process, authors should indicate the category. All papers submitted for possible publication are subject to the scrutiny of reviewers chosen because of their knowledge in the field concerned, experience in producing a balanced review, and ability to make a firm fair recommendation in the light of the board’s policy.
From 2025, the page charge is JPY 60,000. (up to 6 pages), and for each additional page is JPY 5,000., including 50 copies of off-print. However, for submissions from outside Japan, the actual cost of shipping of off-print should be paid. Only the printed version of the journal will be shipped unless otherwise requested by the contributor.
English Proofs
The editorial board will request a native English check if the level of English in the manuscript is below acceptance. ISTR can provide a native English check service. However, this service also depends on the quality of the original English.
• The language for JGTR is English.
• The manuscripts should include the title, the authors’ names and affiliations, an abstract of the paper and the key subject areas (see the following sample pages).
Please click here to see the Sample Pages of Final Manuscript for JGTR. 
• The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be an abstract of the entire paper, not of the conclusions alone.
• The body of the manuscript should be preceded by the title of the paper, which should be brief, and the authors’ names and affiliations should not be given on the manuscript for reviewing purposes.
• The paper should be subdivided into appropriate sections and, if necessary, subsections.
• All items of artwork or illustrative material should be clearly identified in pencil on the back with the title of the paper and figure number.
Acceptance of Papers
On submission, all manuscripts and illustrations must conform to the style of JGTR. Otherwise they will not be accepted. On acceptance of the paper, the authors should provide the editor with the ‘final manuscript’ on “WORD®” format. The final editing will be made by the publisher. 
Return of Manuscripts
No manuscripts or illustrations will be returned to the authors following publication. 
JGTR Prize
The editorial board may award the Excellent Paper Award as appropriate. 
All paper submissions are made in electric form on "WORD®" format. The final manuscript format must comply with the guidelines for JGTR. The authors must refer to the latest version of the guidelines for authors and sample pages. 
Contact and Contribution
Papers should be sent by e-mail to the Publication Office, also in some cases, post is acceptable. Data must be saved on "WORD®" format. For editorial, production or other inquiries, please contact the Publication Office as follows:

Dr. Hiroshi Ikeda,
Publication Office,
International Society for Tourism Research,
c/o Union Press,
1-6, Uehommachi-Nishi 5 chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 542-0062 Japan.
Peer Review Rules
as of June 27, 2024
Purpose of Peer-review
The peer-review is a fair and objective evaluation of submitted papers (general article, opinion, original article, research letter, technical report, note) and it determines if the submitted papers are appropriate for publication in the academic journal "Journal of Global Tourism Research." 
The editor-in-chief or the representative of the secretariat selects two peer-reviewers, suitable for the content of the submitted paper, from the editorial committee or outside the department and requests a review. The process of "double-blind peer-review" is adopted. If the two requested persons accept to review, the two will be appointed as reviewers of the paper. Reviewers must be aware of the importance of their role in the publication of articles and strive for fair peer-review. In addition, the information obtained during the peer-review of the manuscript must not be leaked to others. However, the editorial board may be notified only when it becomes aware of the fact that it violates the prohibition of duplicate applications. In addition, if the author of the manuscript to be examined has a personal connection with a reviewer, such as the same affiliation or laboratory, it is desirable to decline the examination immediately. 
Peer-review Period
The period of peer-review is determined by the editor-in-chief or the representative of the secretariat while considering the publication situation. When requesting an external reviewer for the peer-review, the set time is longer than usual. 
Peer-review Procedure
All work is by email, however depending on the reviewer’s circumstances it is possible to use fax or postal mail. As a general rule, the content of peer-review work will not be disclosed externally. The procedure for peer-review work is as follows:

(1) Acceptance of submitted papers
(2) Selection of reviewers
(3) Notification of peer-review results (judgment)
(4) Decision/Notification of acceptance 
Peer-review Criteria and Acceptance/Rejection Judgment 
Reviewers will make a fair and objective evaluation while giving due consideration to the research situation in the relevant field of the submitted paper, and will make a comprehensive acceptance/rejection decision anonymously. If the submitted manuscript requires revision, the author must revise the manuscript according to the reviewer’s instructions and submit the revised manuscript by the designated date. Revised manuscripts will be accepted if it is confirmed that they have been sufficiently revised. If the revision is insufficient, a request is made to the author for further revision. In principle, rewriting of sentences and revision of figures and tables after acceptance of the manuscript is not permitted. 
Publication Ethics 
as of June 27, 2024 
Research Fraud
Data forgery means that the researcher has forged the data, not the actual research. Data tampering means that a researcher conducted an experiment but modified some data. The editorial board also strives to check for fraud related to publishing ethics. 
Copying the ideas of other researchers without proper citation is considered plagiarism. Please write according to appropriate citation rules. In the review process, if it is judged necessary to have a plagiarism check, the editorial board uses the J-STAGE Similarity Check of “iThenticate” by Turnitin, LLC.
Double Submission
Simultaneous submission of the same paper, that is, "double submission" is prohibited, and in principle only "unpublished" submissions are allowed. Therefore, the same manuscript cannot be submitted to multiple journals at the same time, regardless of the language used. We do not accept manuscripts that simply change the language of almost the same research. In addition, we may refuse to accept papers that have been divided into manuscripts based on the same experiment. If it is determined that the submitted manuscript is a double submission, the review will be stopped at that point and the manuscript will be returned to the author as “rejected”. 
As a condition for becoming an author, it is necessary to contribute to research ideas, data acquisition, analysis, etc., and to cooperate in writing the manuscript. Having little involvement in the research, but putting in a name for authoritative purposes can be considered an ethical violation. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be featured in an acknowledgements section. We recommend that the number of listed authors should not exceed 5 persons.
Approval of Ethical Review
Research on humans must be based on the Helsinki Declaration of Human Rights, at which time informed consent must be approved by the institutional review board (or equivalent) of the institution to which the author belongs. If the research cannot be reviewed by the ethics committee of the research institution to which the researcher belongs, the researcher must comply with the ethical guidelines and other guidelines established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan. In the paper, it is necessary to anonymize personal information, or to obtain written consent if sufficient anonymization is difficult.
Personal Information Protection
ISTR will use personal/corporate information only for the purpose of submitting a contribution. In addition, we recognize the importance of personal information and will comply with and follow the various laws and regulations in order to thoroughly protect such information.